Atlantic Bridge was a Conservative charity which it seems was laundering money to fund a neo-con Zionist reorganisation of the world order. The Charity Commission closed it down for purporting to be a charity when in reality it was a political organisation and, as we all know now, its money was being used in expenses for the despicable, non-vetted, self-promoting, defence buffoon Adam Werritty, an issue over which the Minister of Defence, Liam Fox, was forced to resign.
With Margaret Thatcher as its honorary
president all the leading lights of the Tory party, William Hague, Liam Fox, George
Osborne, Michael Gove and Chris Grayling have served on the charity’s board.
Cameron himself managed to keep his nose clean but it will be noted that Lord
Astor of Hever was on the board and met Werritty at a defence meeting in the Middle East in December
2010. Lord Astor just happens to be Cameron’s father-in-law. It would be
surprising, even remiss of him, if Cameron did not know what was going on.
Considering these defence issues brings into
the spotlight the circular flow of big money. Charitable donations are made to
the Tory party by people, like Tony Buckingham, in exchange for favours in the
newly-conquered oilfields of the Middle East. Taking care to protect this
circular flow there is nothing in writing to confirm how it works. The
super-rich Buckingham, who claims to be a former-mercenary, with his company
Heritage Oil, has oil-interests in Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Kurdistan and elsewhere.
He describes himself as a former mercenary, but to my mind he is still the
aggressive mercenary he was but now having private armies to defend oil interests stolen from
the legitimate owners before we (NATO countries) waged war on Islamic regimes.
Goodbye to the canal system
Further demonstrating his love of charities and charitable works this morning Cameron announced that canal waterways
of England and Wales were to be handed over to the charitable sector in line
with what he calls his Big Society. What the Big Society really amounts to is
working for nothing. Over the next 15 years the canals will only get a third from
government funding of what has been spent on them previously, and the rest will
be paid for by charitable donations and maintenance by dedicated canal
enthusiasts, who might start off enthusiastically but when they realise it is
just them the enthusiasm will wane. This scheme, like the hot or cold pasty
tax, is doomed to failure. The eighteenth century pioneers of our beautiful canal network will be turning in their graves.
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